Deep sea life continues to produce some of the most amazing and interesting creatures on this Earth (ever seen Finding Nemo?).
During a 20-day cruise last month, researchers used trawling nets and scuba divers to explore down to 3 miles beneath the ocean surface. Previous studies of small ocean creatures focused only on the top half-mile or so.
Several of the animals — tiny zooplankton, shrimp-like things, little squid, bizarre worms and pulsing jellyfish — are featured in a new image gallery.
The fact that these incredibly fragile creatures can live 3 miles and more beneath the ocean surface simply amazes me. Do you have any idea what the pressure is that deep? The pressure increases about one atmosphere for every 10 meters of water depth. One atmosphere is considered standard sea level pressure. That means that at a depth of 5,000 meters the pressure will be approximately 500 atmospheres. We couldn't even come close to surviving that kind of pressure.
Click here to see the photo gallery.
Very cool
actually your body equalizes pressure as you descend. hypothetically if you were able to go down slow enough (an atmosphere every few minutes) your body could possibly handle it
No it couldn't. Not to that depth anyway. You're a freakin idiot.
No your body will not equalize pressure It may feel like it but it don't your body still has the pressure on it and it increases as you descend in the water colem thats why when your at deeper depths your voice changes and get like a chipmunk. And because all the empty open spaces in your body like in your bones, skin, muscle ect. it would eventually crush. And you would well basically implode.
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